Join us in congratulating Professor Laurence Nafie, recipient of the Chirality Medal Winner 2019!
On behalf of Vibrational Optical Activity users around the world, students, collaborators and employees of BioTools, we thank Professor Nafie for the pioneering and continued work on VCD & ROA. He is an inspiration for everything we do.
Prof Nafie will accept this award at the ISCD Chirality conference on July 14th. CHIRALITY 2019The 31th International Symposium on Chirality, ISCDJuly 14-17, 2019
Bordeaux, France

Laurence Nafie is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Syracuse University where, as a faculty member since 1975, he has been a leading world authority on VOA. He confirmed experimentally the first observation of infrared VCD, was the first to propose and measure Fourier transform VCD, and is the discoverer of several of the forms of ROA. He has also contributed to the theoretical foundations of both VCD and ROA. For nearly four decades, he has carried out research in the field of VOA and co-founded BioTools for the commercialization of advanced spectroscopic instrumentation, including VCD and ROA spectrometers and services. He was also the founding Editor of the journal Biospectroscopy that subsequently merged with Biopolymers, and he is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Raman Spectroscopy.
About the Medal
The Chirality Medal was instituted by the Societa Chimica Italiana in 1991 to honor internationally recognized scientists who have made a distinguished contribution to all aspects of chirality. It is awarded each year by a Chirality Medal Honor Committee comprising the Chirality International Committee members and the most recent recipients of the medal. 
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