Infrared Spectroscopy Tutorials:
- WebSpectra (UCLA)
- Paul Young’s IR Spectroscopy Tutorial
- IR Tutor (Columbia University)
- Glossary of FTIR terms (Spectra Associates)
- Introducing infrared spectroscopy (Spectra Associates)
Chirality (definitions, meetings, other companies):
- Chiral
- Olis Circular Dichroism Spectrometer web
- www.voa.net (a site devoted to Vibrational Optical Activity)
Founders and Continued Practitioners of VOA: (alphabetical listing)
We apologize if any scientists involved in the early studies of VOA are not listed.
- Laurence Barron
- Tess Freedman
- Tim Keiderling (group page)
- Tim Keiderling
- Larry Nafie
- Prasad Polavarapu
- Philip Stephens (group page)
- Philip Stephens
- Hal Weiser
- Vibrational Optical Activity: Principles and Applications by Laurence A Nafie New!
- Comprehensive Chiroptical Spectroscopy, 2 Volume Set by Nina Berova, Prasad L. Polavarapu, Koji Nakanishi and Robert W. Woody New!
- Molecular Light Scattering and Optical Activity by Laurence Barron
- Vibrational Spectra: Principles and Applications with Emphasis on Optical Activity by P. L. Polavarapu
- Fundamentals of FTIR, Infrared Spectral Interpretation & Quantitative Spectroscopy: Theory & Practice (Spectra Associates)
Computer Programs for VCD Calculations:
- Dalton Calculations
Training Courses:
Chirality & Art: